True success lies in the success of your team.
At Taking the Wheel Consulting, we understand that every business is unique and requires a complete understanding of your specific organization in the hospitality industry.

Founder and “team building guru” Rebekah Goldman evaluates all aspects of your restaurant or other hospitality-related business. She identifies inefficiencies and formulates a custom tailored plan of action that results in an executable path to the ultimate goal of a healthy, thriving, growing business. With over 19 years of experience, she specializes in constructing solutions to maximize profits, instilling integrity in the workplace and creating opportunity, sustainability, and longevity for your business.
Hello and Welcome!
My name is Rebekah Goldman, and I am a Leadership and Team Development Consultant in the Hospitality Industry.
And yes, I am still a working chef.
Why? Because this industry is moving and shaking things up fast. In order to keep up, you gotta be knee deep in the trenches with the rest of 'em. Plus, I'm not great at sitting in front of a computer. I actually prefer standing for 10 hours a day. After 10 minutes of sitting, I'm searching for a reach-in cooler to reorganize. (Hence why I have never had a door on my office.)
I entered the Food and Beverage Industry when I was 14. I've worked from the bottom to the top in various Restaurants, Bakeries, Hotels, Country Clubs, Bars, Event Venues, and my all time favorite... Catering Companies.
What can I say? I love this Industry.
There is just something that gets me fired up when I have to set up an entire kitchen in the middle of the desert without access to power or running water. Throw in an oven that won't light and I think to myself, “bring it on!”nnSomething I’ve realized over the years is that there is one definitive thing that determines the ultimate fate of a business's success. It’s not the location, it’s not the menu, or hours of operation (which all do play an important role). It is something we often overlook that is detrimental to our sustainability as a business.
We are an industry made up of people. nnPlain and simple.
What if I told you that the main ingredient to success is your TEAM? Large or small, multi-million dollar brand or a new start up, we all need a team that can execute our products and services. Luckily for us, our industry has not been completely taken over by machines...yet. So what does that mean? It means that every person we employ has the ability to affect our bottom line.

Now I know what you're thinking... we prefer doing things alone and don't need help right?nn”If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.”nnBy not asking for help we ignore critical things happening around us every day which leads to questioning. How do our products and services suffer? How much longer can we continue to hold all of these balls in the air before they come crashing down on us?
Testimonials + Reviews

Whether you're the GM of a hotel, a restaurant owner, or running a little mom-and-pop bakery, most of you are experiencing the same things. You are burnt out. You have an unhealthy balance between career and home life. An 8-hour workday seems to feel like a vacation. You are physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted. And if you get one more phone call about a walk-in going down, or the bartender calling in sick, you are considering updating your resume and applying to that 9 to 5 life! Let our team help to revive your passion for your business!
How amazing would it be:
~ If you were able to take a day off or go on a vacation completely worry free, because you have a team that can support you in your absence?
~ If sales were through the roof, profits were high, and you were able to offer elevated products and services to your clients day in and day out?
~ If you had a team of loyal employees who see the value in your offerings and are committed to the success of your business?

Can You Imagine...
~ Waking up inspired and excited to go to work because you are finally enjoying your life to the fullest?
~ Experiencing an abundant, purposeful, and rewarding career?
~ Knowing what it feels like to be in control again?

I love this industry with all of my heart. We would be nothing without the hardworking, dedicated, passionate individuals who give their all.
Do you ever feel like nobody quite gets what we do unless they are in the industry? Trust me, before I learned those lessons I suffered just as you are right now. I worked 100+ hours a week, I was constantly worried, always 1 step forward and 3 steps back. I was drowning. My home life was non-existent and I seriously considered trading it in for that 9 to 5.

But then I created the recipe that changed everything for me and unlike most chefs I would love to share this recipe with you.
~ What does your dream life and career look like?
~ What steps are you taking to make that dream a reality?
Want to know the secret recipe?